

Created by IV Studios

Shape the legacy of the Moonrakers in our new standalone worker-placement game filled with diplomacy, trading, and hex-ploration.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Give it up for Day 2 ✌️
7 months ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 04:10:40 PM

Thank you so much for an amazing launch day and second day so far! We had a blast sharing french toast and Brink Gameplays on the live stream with you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for celebrating with us and making it a special day 💜

Community Card and Bonus Hex Unlocks 🔓 

We've already unlocked two of our Bonus Hexes and 3 Community Cards-- great work! 

These were unlocked through funding goals and Brink Terminal challenges providing Prestige on our stretch goal track.
We will soon send surveys out to begin gathering your ideas for Ambassador, Action, and Rider cards.
To unlock more stretch goals, you can help by sharing the campaign or playing the Brink Terminal game! 🥰
If you are curious how the Cloaking Device challenge was solved, the key word GONER was entered into the Brink Terminal, which was found on the "Active Goals" listing on the page. This gave an image and coordinates to a Brink Terminal card.

Then when they tapped the card to their phone, it gave a new code on, which led them to the OMEGA Clearance code.

Great work Metro Macwag!

Austin and Sam are headed to Dice Tower East! 🏰

If you will be at Dice Tower East, we would love to play Brink with you! Please hit Austin up in our Discord server in order to schedule a time to play.


Final warning for 48-hour reward 🚨

Don't forget to pledge before 10:00 am central daylight time on Thursday, July 4th to qualify for the 48-hour reward! 

Out of Office for July 4th and Dice Tower East 🎆

We will be doing our best to respond promptly to all your questions, but just a reminder that we may be a little slower than normal as our team will be out of the office for Dice Tower East and off for the July 4th US holiday.

Thanks again for all your support and a great start to the campaign! ❤️

Thank you for your support! 💖 Livestreaming and Brink Terminal ✌️
7 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 12:31:33 PM

Thank you for funding Brink in just 5 minutes! 🤯

And thank you for being here with us 💕

We're always a little nervous right before a campaign launch, and every time, our nerves our quickly soothed by your immense support. We're honored you have decided to join us for the Brink journey. We have so many fun things planned for this campaign and and can't wait to share them with you. Stick around and find out! 

Brink Terminal 👾

We love building a community around games and hope you are enjoying the Brink Terminal, which is Zac's passion project! Some of the community stretch goals are based on achievements in the Brink Terminal, and we have an active discussion on Discord if you need some extra hints.

When using the Brink Terminal, if you happen upon an OMEGA CLEARANCE CODE, congratulations! You’ve completed a stretch goal. Leave that code as a comment on the Kickstarter page. If you are the first to find it, your name will be immortalized on the KS page 😉

Livestreaming on Youtube! ⚠️

We're still livestreaming for the rest of this afternoon. Come hangout with us for Q&A, live gameplay, and silliness 🤪


Mouthfeel review not included, but you might be able to convince us if enough people ask for it...