

Created by IV Studios

Shape the legacy of the Moonrakers in our new standalone worker-placement game filled with diplomacy, trading, and hex-ploration.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Closing in 1 Week & Community Cards Voting Results! 🔥
5 months ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 12:48:08 PM

Happy Friday y'all! We hope you're ready for the weekend 😎 

This is just a short update and reminder that the pledge manager is closing in 1 week, so make sure to get your BackerKit surveys done! If you've already completed it, thank you so much! We hope you get a nice drink for yourself to celebrate 🥳

BackerKit Pledge Manager and Late Pledge Closes in 1 Week on Friday Aug 30th‼️🚨

Mark your calendars! There is only 1 week left to complete your BackerKit pledge manager! 

Just a reminder that the pledge manager survey is not optional and you need to complete it with your shipping information and pay for shipping fees in order for us to fulfill your game on time next year.

You can find your pledge manager here:

If you can't find the pledge manager survey with your KS email, you may have used a different email or Apple Pay for the pledge. You can email [email protected] and we'll look up the survey for you. Please send us an email with the subject line"Brink Missing BackerKit PM Invite" and your full name or backer number.  


Community Cards Voting Results are in!! 

We're currently working on designing the community card and hex pack to show y'all what they'll look like in the next update! 

For now, here are the top voted cards from the community poll! There are so many good ideas and we're excited for these to add a little extra spice to the game 🔥

🏇 Community Rider Cards 

Ideas submitted by: Resignating Revenge, Mason Hughes, Campbell Wright

✦ Players who vote at least 2 towards *blank* may draw 1 action card. [Top voted]

✦ If no player votes for the corresponding color, this color will immediately be 1st. This does not trigger a revolt. 

✦ If [FACTION] does not place, players gain +1 point per vote for this faction. 

✦ If *blank* finishes in 4th, revolt in 1st and 2nd place factions. 

✦ If *blank* is 2nd place, swap it with 1st.

💥 Community Action Cards 

Ideas submitted by: Mason Hughes, Brian Van Buskirk, Mattbenj, and Belac the Recapitator

Turn: Draw a hex tile from the supply and place it in on an unexplored area adjacent to an already explored hex. [Top voted]
✦ Turn: Swap ship parts on one of your upgraded ships (cargo for guns, or guns for cargo). Apply effects retroactively.
✦ End game: Gain 1 prestige per recruited ambassador.
✦ Scoring: Score two prestige for every ship attachment you own (including the fusion drive)
✦ Turn: Should you cause a revolt, do not return any of your own resources. 

🤠 Community Ambassador Cards 

Ideas submitted by: Sean Hewison, Kyle Vickers, Brian O'Keefe, Mason Hughes

✦ Before exploring a new hex, you may pay 1 yellow influence to draw an extra hex (still placing one). The unchosen hex is placed at the bottom of a hex pile. [Top voted]

✦ During an action card action, draw 3 and discard 2 action cards instead.

✦ Gain 2 prestige when exploring with your class 1 ship.
✦ Begin turn by exchanging 2 resources from the general supply.
✦ When you trigger a revolt in [purple], you do not return any cubes of that color.

That's it for now! Enjoy your weekend and we'll see you next week! 

Community Cards: Voting Begins! 👍
5 months ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 02:37:15 PM

Hey y'all, we're back from GenCon and ready to start designing the Community Card Pack! 😎

However, before we can start designing the cards, we need your input! 🫵 Yes, you. 

Community Card Voting ✨ 

We've carefully chosen our top 10 submissions for Action, Ambassador, and Riders cards. Now, we need your help with narrowing it down to the top 5 for each category 🖐️

Cast your vote for the cards you want to see in your Brink game 

Voting ends on Friday August 16th, so make sure to get your votes in!

Aaaand the people have spoken. Here are your new Brink Ambassadors! They'll be making an appearance in your community card pack with special abilities you get to vote for 😉

Ark Tii 
The Warden

Just a quick reminder that the Brink pledge manager and late pledge will be closing on Aug 30th. If you require any help with it, please reach out to our customer service email at [email protected]

Pledge Manager Questions and GENCON 🎉
6 months ago – Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 07:19:56 PM

Heyo! 👋

We've got a quick update about pledge manager questions and GenCon just for you! 

Pledge Manager Clarifying Details ☝️

Community Card Pack and Bonus Hex

The community cards and hexes that come with your game will match your pledge level, which means if you order a Super Deluxe Brink game, you will automatically receive the holographic community cards and hexes inside the game. If you pledge for the $79 Brink or $119 Deluxe Brink, you will receive the standard community cards and hexes inside the game. Any additional copies of Brink you order in the pledge manager will also receive the bonus community pack. 

The add-ons in the pledge manager labeled the "EXTRA Community Cards" and "EXTRA Bonus Hexes" should only be added to your order if you want an extra set. 

P.S. We'll be sending a survey for the community card voting shortly after GenCon! 

$1 Pledges and the 48 Hour Pin

Some people who pledged $1 were having an issue completing the pledge manager due to the 48 hour Brink pin adding shipping costs to the total. We have removed any shipping added due to the pin and you should now be able to complete the $1 pledge manager without issue! 👍

We're at GenCon 🚗

We'll be at booth #2938 and will be showing a sneakpeek of Brink in person! Plus we'll have several other unreleased games for you to check out, like Mythic Mischief Vol II, Veiled Fate Tribunal, Fractured Sky Rift, and Moonrollers. 

Come make our day and say hello. You can get a commemorative polaroid photo too, while supplies last :)

Late Pledge is Open and Pledge Manager Details 🤓
6 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 08:55:01 AM

Thank you for an exhilarating campaign! 💜

The Moonrakers are astounded by your coordinated teamwork to solve Meg's Murder and want to reward you for your achievements! All you need to do is complete the BackerKit pledge manager survey and you'll receive your reward! 😉

We are immensely grateful to be able to explore more of the Moonrakers lore through both Brink and Brink Terminal. This has been our biggest crowdfunding campaign for a base game to date, and we're so honored to have your support! We're excited to create the Brink comic book as a token of our appreciation, and can't wait for you to experience this beautiful game in person! 💖

This update will be a little bit longer due to all of the pledge manager details, so please read carefully until the end! The BackerKit pledge manager MUST be completed to receive your pledge on time, and we really need to know where to ship your order! 

Project Timeline & Monthly Updates 🗓️

Our project timeline is estimating a delivery in May 2025 and we are currently on schedule to fulfill it in that timeframe! We will keep you informed with our monthly updates on Kickstarter, so please make sure your Kickstarter email is up to date. Currently, the next item on our timeline is the pledge manager, which will open by this weekend! 

Pledge Manager Details 📝

We will soon be opening the pledge manager for Brink on BackerKit! 

Email Invites ✉️

We will start with a smoke test of 5% of backers today, and if all goes well, the rest of the surveys will go out shortly after, so don't panic if you haven't gotten the BackerKit email immediately. 

If you don't see a BackerKit email by July 29th, please try searching for it through this link with your Kickstarter email. If you still cannot find it, it may be listed under a different email, possibly due to an Apple Pay payment. In that case, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "Brink Pledge Manager Missing Email Invite"

Pledge Manager Timeline ⏳

  • Friday, July 26, 2024 - Pledge Manager OPENS
  • Friday, August 30, 2024: Pledge Manager CLOSES
  • Note: This campaign will not have a reopening period. Once it has been submitted, it will lock and remain locked!🚨

New to Kickstarter? 🌱

If this is your first time using a pledge manager, don't worry—it's pretty easy! Once you receive an email with the invite link from BackerKit, you'll be asked to do the following steps:

1. Confirm your pledge level

2. Choose any add-ons you'd like to purchase

3. Input your shipping address 

4. Pay the remaining balance. 

If you don't add anything else to your pledge, your balance will just be the posted shipping rate and taxes for your region.

Pledge Manager Pro Tips: 

  • Cards will be charged immediately when you submit the order.
  • Be careful to make sure you have everything you want in your order before you confirm as the survey will lock afterwards, and you will not be able to edit it freely. 
  • You will be able to edit your shipping information at any point while the survey is open and we use it to estimate shipping rates for your order. We will ask you to verify your shipping address shortly before we start shipping orders in 2025, just in case you have moved locations in that timespan.

Need to Switch Your Pledge Level? 🧐

To change your pledge level, click the link at the bottom of the Welcome screen that says "Switch Your Pledge Level"

Declined Cards on Kickstarter 💳

Occasionally payments are declined when Kickstarter attempts to process your pledge. If your payment is declined, you will receive an email from Kickstarter every 48 hours this week until it is fixed. If it is not fixed in time, then your pledge will be abandoned, but worry not, you can still join the pre-orders and complete your order in BackerKit.

Apple Pay - Missing Email Invite 📧

If you used Apple Pay to pay for the Kickstarter and haven't received an email invite from BackerKit, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "Brink Pledge Manager Missing Email Invite" so we can invite you to the pledge manager. 

This happens because Apple Pay autofills the email field with a unique Apple email instead of your own, so we will need to manually update it to your email address.

How do I add the $2 First Player Token? ☝️

One of our big stretch goals for this campaign is a discounted Brink Metal First Player Token! It will be discounted from $20 to $2 for all backers on this campaign. You can find it in the pledge manager "Add-Ons" section to add it to your order for only $2!! 

A commanding presence is a must for first player.

I was a 48 Hour Backer. Will I receive the Brink pin? 

Thank you for your early support! Yes, your Brink pin should have been automatically added to your BackerKit survey if you backed before the 48 hours mark (10:00am CDT; July 4, 2024). 

You can check if you will receive the pin by looking for the "Brink Pin" on the Confirm page of the pledge manager under "PLEDGE ITEMS." 

If your backer number is above #5040, then you unfortunately do not qualify for this pin, but it is available as a separate add-on. 

Local Pickup 🚗

We would love to meet you and personally hand you Brink! 🥰 We usually make it a day of playing games and hanging out, so if you want to take advantage of local pickup, make sure you select "Local pickup" as your country in the shipping info. We'll send you an email detailing when and where it will occur once we have the stock in the office. This is only available in Nashville, TN. 

Late Pledge is Open 👏

If you missed your opportunity to commit during the campaign, you can still late pledge! You can also share the link with friends or family who might have forgotten 😉

Brink Comic Unlocked and Final Day Livestream! 🎉
6 months ago – Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 11:06:19 AM

Woohoo, y'all achieved the final stretch goal! 🎊

You did it! We reached over 10,000 users on Brink Terminal and unlocked the comic book! 


This means all Brink games will include a free Brink comic detailing the origins of the Moonrakers. We're so excited to continue the saga of the Moonrakers and can't wait to share more lore with you! 📗

Livestreaming the final hours RIGHT NOW (1pm CDT) 🚀 

Join us in celebrating the final hours of the Brink campaign! We'll be doing more Q&A, gameplay, and a hot chicken tasting, true to our Nashville, Tennessee spirit 🐓

(Zac is potentially sacrificing his dignity on livestream, so tune in! ✨) 

A quick recap on last week's Crowd Surfing episode: Dice Tower's Mike Dilisio and Zee Garcia both featured Brink as their Pick of the Week! 🤩

We're delighted they enjoyed the game at Dice Tower East and are so grateful for their enthusiasm for the game. You can watch their comments about Brink at 26:42 and 59:23 😉


Just Dropped: New Retail Render 🤭

It's looking real snazzy

Community Card ideas are due this Friday and New Form for Ambassador Ideas👌

We're still collecting ideas from the community to create a community card pack for Brink. And we just added a form for ambassador ability ideas! 

We'll be taking submissions until this Friday and once we select the ones we think would be a great addition to the game, we'll post an update for you to vote on the final ones! 

Submit your card ideas below:

🦉 Submit your idea for an Ambassador Card here🪿

🌚 Submit your idea for a Rider card here 🌝

💃 Submit your idea for an Action card here🕺

🩵 Also don't forget to vote for your favorite Ambassador here 🩵

See y'all later 💖